Decay in art

“Ideas decompose into stones of unknowing, and conceptual crystallizations break apart into deposits of gritty reason.” —Robert Smithson

Many artists are interested in looking into the decaying objects within art. From looking at decaying buildings to old and rusty objects, it is a popular thing within the art world.

”Representations of deterioration and decay continued through the Romantic period, exemplified by Hubert Robert’s etchings of statuary fragments, and into the 20th century”( 

Archaeologists at the Temple of Vespasian, 1762, chalk. Private collection (Hubert Robert, 1733–1808,

Hubert Roberts work is a good example regarding decay in art. He has a lot of  art pieces that show old, decaying buildings. Some are portrayed in great detail and others are quick sketches, however in every single one of them, he still managed to capture the broken down feeling you would get from actually being there. Being nicknamed ”Robert of the ruins” (Hubert Robert, 1733–1808, shows the way his artwork really did impact on showing of decay.

”View of the Grande Galerie in Ruins,” 1796, by Hubert Robert. The 18th-century French painter, who was inspired by architecture and decay, completed a series of works that imagined the construction, and the future, of a new wing of the Louvre. (, Hubert Robert and the Beautiful Ravages of Time by  APRIL 28, 2016)

This other image by Hubert Robert is one of the best to capture decay within art. What once was a beautiful building, with beautiful decor has now become a broken down old building where no one would think to visit.

Decay in art is always going to be an expressive thing, and many artists will continue to interpret into their work for years to come.





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